Stop getting in your own way.

Unlock your potential and create your killer mindset.

You know that you want to make a change. 

and yet something is keeping you STUCK. 

It might be YOU.

Schedule your no-obligation 30-minute consultation

“I have stopped limiting myself around money and I feel more confident in myself without worrying about what everyone thinks. This pretty major mindset shift has allowed me to apply for a new job which I would not have done without your coaching.” Jane C NYC USA

In this 12-week program, you will learn

How to truly SHINE and be your authentic self

Feel comfortable with who you are. Know yourself. Not worrying about what people think or say. And not comparing yourself to others. Removing self-doubt and self-limiting beliefs so you can be your true self.

  • Module 1 (3 weeks)
  • Wheel of life
  • Find your learning style
  • Daily practice tools
  • Your purpose/why

How to crush the inner critic

Most people procrastinate when you have too much to do and you don’t say no when you need to. Stop making excuses and telling yourself the same old stories. 

  • Module 2 (3 weeks)
  • How to be self aware of the inner critic
  • Connecting with your true self
  • Crushing self doubt
  • Transform the inner critic

How to be more resilient

You will learn to keep moving forwards with tenacity even through the storms. Increasing your inner strength to help you focus on your goals and dreams. 

  • Module 3 (3 weeks)
  • How to create balance and purpose
  • Maximise productivity 
  • Create your self care plan

How to create your killer mindset 

Feel confident, walk into any situation and rock your inner confidence. Learn how to be your best cheerleader. Feel happier and more relaxed about being you and believing in yourself. Stop playing small.

  • Module 4 (3 weeks)
  • How to build the courage to step up
  • Playing big
  • Empowering affirmations
  • How to create your vision and implement it

“Before I started working with Pinky, whenever there was a team meeting or when in the boardroom I had this overwhelming feeling of ‘being found out’ ‘who am I to be here’ and that ‘what I had to say was boring and pointless.’ Since we have worked together for the last 3 weeks I have ditched imposter syndrome and started speaking up and asking for what I deserve. I have tips and tools that I can start using  when I hear my inner critic and I feel confident to go for the next promotion. Something I wasn’t able to do before. Thank you Pinky for your transformational coaching!” Sarah S, London.

After 12 weeks you will:

Feel more confident, ask for things you haven’t in the past, get that raise, get the promotion, make more sales, make that call that you have been putting off. Be a better leader!

Face your challenges from day to day without procrastination, without losing determination, make better decisions improve results in your life. 

Feel less overwhelmed, less stressed, have more time, get stuff done, have self- respect to say ‘no’ and create boundaries. 

Get your promotion with drive, determination and persistence. 

“As for tangible results, I’ve secured at least 4 big clients that I might not have had the confidence to sign up prior to the work you’ve done with me. It’s hard to quantify at the moment but I estimate these to be worth at least £80,000 per annum. That’s not to mention all the other benefits to my business from changing my beliefs.” – Erica M Edinburgh

Group coaching

How does this work:
  • Weekly LIVE group coaching session via zoom for 12 weeks with myself and ambitious professional women
    • Each call is 30 minutes including time for Q&A at the end to ask me anything
    • Calls will be recorded and emailed to you if you can’t make it on the live call
  • Exclusive community of  like-minded women  (some of the best connections happen in these groups)
  • Consistent support and accountability