5 Ways to Promote Better Diversity in Your Leaders and Teams

Leaders are often tasked with ensuring a more inclusive environment for all employees, from hiring practices to company culture. This can be an uphill battle, especially when companies have been founded based on race or gender; however, there are ways to create a diverse workforce that can bolster morale and efficiency within your organisation.

To foster greater diversity in leadership positions and teams, here are five tips to consider implementing at your business.

1) Focus on the Leaders

In the quest for an inclusive and equitable workforce, it’s critical that we do not overlook organisations’ leadership teams. This is where executive recruitment strategies must be carefully considered; if you are looking to introduce a more diverse representation of your leadership ranks, then it is essential that these individuals be adequately represented in order for any progress made with regards to this facet of corporate culture to persistently manifest itself.

It is true that companies may have a chance to bring on board a greater variety of leaders than never before – but only if these individuals possess the power and influence necessary to create change within the organisation.

If, however, you utilise prospective managers as a means of increasing diversity on your team, it is imperative that they possess knowledge and experience sufficient to ensure success as well as adequate communication skills so as to effectively communicate within their departments.

2) Ensure a Broad Range of Experience within Your Teams

A resounding achievement in diversity can be achieved by employing a diverse range of experience within your teams. It is imperative that you select high-level roles – such as executive positions or senior management roles – and also rotate through lower-level positions where individuals may have yet to gain experience.

This not only ensures that your team will be comprised of individuals with varying levels of expertise; it also ensures that there is ample opportunity for new recruits to gain exposure to the ‘new kid on the block’ syndrome, which can be detrimental when dealing with younger colleagues.

3) Create a Broader Diverse Support Network

If you want to remove the glass ceiling and create opportunities for diverse candidates, you must cultivate a more inclusive mindset. To do this, it is essential to instill in team members and leaders alike an expectation for equity and inclusion; if they honestly cannot find any person from underrepresented groups who possesses similar qualities to their own, then this is surely indicative of a problem within their organisation!

Obviously, not all diversity initiatives should be harbingers of transformation and enlightenment. In fact, some teams may choose to forego quotas or specific legislation in order to produce results more expediently – like with recruitment and promotion practices. Whatever the case may be, we are advocating that everyone yields up their inner bigot and join forces in moulding such discriminatory morays into something more positive.

To maximise your chances for success, you must surround yourself with a diverse cast of colleagues and mentors.

Ensure that your support network is comprised of individuals who possess varying perspectives and experiences. This will enhance your ability to thrive as a leader in various environments; foster an appreciation of other points of view while simultaneously cultivating an inclusive mindset that fosters acceptance and compassion towards those who are “different”.

4) Communicate Your Commitment to Diversity

It can be easy to assume that having diverse leaders and teams leads to diversity within the workplace. However, it is essential that you demonstrate your dedication to making this a reality.

Seize every opportunity to clearly articulate why diversity matters within your organisation – and make sure all staff members are clued-in about how they are helping contribute towards creating an inclusive environment.

Demonstrate your commitment by proactively exploring sources from which you may recruit new team members and actively promoting greater representation in leadership spots.

5) Make Diversity Work for You

Finally, it is important to ensure that diversity works in your favour. This means eschewing traditional hiring practices; instead, targeting applicants with a variety of backgrounds and perspectives.

By leveraging this approach – which lends itself to a more collaborative workplace culture where individuals are able to identify and celebrate their differences – you can cultivate an environment of true inclusion that allows everyone to thrive!

The Bottom Line: When Promoting Better Leadership and Team Diversity, be Proactive

If you’re seeking to foster better leadership and team diversity, be sure that your initiatives don’t overlook the importance of onboarding. The process of getting to know a candidate can be an arduous one, especially if they are new to your organisation or industry. This process can take time and require patience when it comes to gaining rapport with them; however, this process is a crucial component which will ultimately result in more successful undertakings.

As we all know: there are no shortcuts in life. If anything, taking a little extra time during the process will ensure that your successors will be able to manage their teams with competence, as well as give off an impression of enlivened energy at any given moment!

The most effective way to leverage diversity as a leadership advantage is for companies to proactively cultivate inclusive environments.

By taking an inclusive approach, you can create an environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated regardless of their background or experience level. This approach helps foster harmony and cohesion amongst your team members while also fostering more loyal relationships between co-workers – ultimately creating a more prosperous workplace!

This strategy may be difficult at first glance, but it’s worth investing time into if you want to reap the benefits of diversity. By being proactive with it, you can create a culture that fosters openness towards different ideas and backgrounds among your staff.

Abundant studies have revealed that diverse teams produce superior results – both in the short-term and long-run.

In a diverse group, leaders can pool their knowledge and expertise to shape strategy and execute polished plans.

Additionally, as leaders strive to recruit more women or minorities into their leadership roles, they are able to garner greater insights about their team’s needs.

Ensure an optimal future

You can also take action to increase diversity among leaders in your organisation by creating Diversity Leaders. These individuals fulfil the role of an exemplar and role model, providing insight into how they have overcome obstacles while still pursuing success.

By understanding what challenges exist within your sector or industry and therefore identifying potential candidates who can help mitigate these issues, you can build up a network of leaders who possess diverse experiences. This is a powerful tool for networking and cultivating knowledge!

Properly recruiting and promoting Diversity Leaders can be an effective way to enhance workplace inclusion. By shining a light on those who have succeeded despite adversity, building trust with those who may not have experienced such successes yet becomes more likely – leading to increased engagement from all employees.

If your company doesn’t yet have plans to diversify its leadership, one viable strategy is to select diversity leaders. These individuals could be recruited from within your ranks or brought in from outside the organisation; either way, they’ll serve as role models for other employees. If you happen to possess a highly talented and successful woman of color who resides at the helm – now you’re truly onto something!

Although this may sound like an ideal approach, it does not automatically guarantee that those chosen will turn out to be universally competent. To anticipate potential pitfalls when appointing diversity leaders, consider the following:

Ensure that those appointed are both able and committed to forming a team whose members have access to meaningful opportunities.


Through diligent effort and strategic planning, you can promote a more diverse workplace that leads to improved performance. By taking the time to consider these tips, you can create an environment in which everyone has an opportunity to thrive.